Business Directory

Agri-Plex Arena and Curling Rink

Natural ice curling arena for Vilna. Available for private rental. 
Contact the Ag Society at 780-636-3960 for more information.

Alberta Treasury Branch (Vilna)

Bonnie Lake Campground

For reservations call (Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm) 780-636-3620 

or email: 


Bonnie Lake Campground
PO Box 10
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Phone: 780-636-3620

Canada Post (Vilna)

Open Mon-Fri 8:30-5pm (closed for lunch)
Main Street
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0

Community Futures St. Paul - Smoky Lake

Cultural Centre

5431 50th Street
P.O. Box 440
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0

CYR'S Gifts From off the wall

Open Mon- Sat from 10am to 6pm- Closed for lunch
Main Street
Vilna, Alberta

Direct Energy Regulated Services

For Electrical Power

Historic Pool Hall & Barbershop

Historic Vilna Pool Hall

Visit the restored and oldest working Pool Hall and Barbershop.

P.O. Box 600
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0

Iron Horse Trail

JMP Plumbing& Heating Ltd

Plumbing, Heating, Gas Fitting, Air Conditioning, Gas Fire Places, Sheet Metal John Panek 780-999-2065 email-

Box 84
Lamont, Alberta T0B 2R0

Just Energy

Just Energy provides electricity/natural gas to businesses and residents alike. Go to their website at

Liberty Trailers Sales

We sell work trailers: utility, motorcycle, carhauler, dump, fuel, tilt deck, enclosed cargo, gooseneck, equipment & heavy haul trailers. Hwy 28 & 859

Hwy 28 & Hwy 859
Box 433
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0

Link Energy

Link Energy is a different energy supplier. We’re here to provide an alternative with great rates, Alberta based customer service and build relations


Alberta's Largest Fixed Wireless Internet Service and VOIP Provider
4810 - 50 Ave.
P.O. Box 98
St. Paul, AB T0A 3A0

Mirabella Feed & Seed

Open Tues-Fri 9-4

Phone: 780-636-3627

New Hope Community Church

Northern Express Bus Lines

Northern Express Bus Lines operates a daily passenger service between Cold Lake and Edmonton stopping at St. Paul Co-op Mall and Smoky Lake.

Pelech Trucking

Porky's Sidestreet Cafe

Just half a block off of beautiful Main Street Vilna. Come on in for a terrific meal and famous Ribs Thursday or Steak Friday!!
5019 - 51 Avenue
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0

RBR Trucking & Mechanical

Trucking and automotive mechanics. Call Randy or Rick Las Van Bennekom

Renco Auto Wreckers

Auto wrecking
52nd Street
Vilna, Alberta

Scrap Yard - Vinette Salvage

Scrap Yard - Metals

5003 - 48th Avenue
PO Box 72
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Phone: 780-521-0112

Senior’s Recreation Society

Featuring bowling lanes, floor curling, shuffleboard, lawn bowling, bingos and card games for all ages.
5123-5127 Main Street (50th)
Vilna, Alberta

Service Alberta - Utilities Consumer Advocate

Our Mission Is To Make You An Informed Energy Consumer.
10365 - 97 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3W7

Smoky Lake County

Scenic Recreation & Enjoyment

Box 310
Smoky Lake, Alberta T0A 3C0
Phone: 780-656-3730

Smoky Lake Learning Council

Check out the Smoky Lake Learning Council's website for current events, current programs, and contact information.

St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Hamlin

Box 444
Vilna, Alberta T0A3L0

Trev-Ron Corral Cleaning

For a dirty cattle shed, call Trev-Ron to load and spread. Ph. Marvin Pelech, 636-2446 or Cell, 614-0865.

Verbisky Construction

Windows, siding, doors, general construction. All season. Call Frank

Vilna & District Cultural Centre

Vilna Bottle Depot

Beverage containers refund.

HOURS:   Wednesday to Friday:  Noon to 4:00 p.m.

               Saturday:  10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

              Phone:  780-636-2120


4921 - 49A Avenue
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Phone: 780-699-6413

Vilna Coin-Op Laundry

5115 - 50th Street
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0

VILNA Family Grocery

5027 50st
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Phone: 780-636-3570

Vilna Golf Course

Flat terrain makes this 3300 yard, par 36, 9 hole, grass greens public golf course a very playable course and pleasant walk.

Box 568
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0

Vilna Hotel

Room Rentals Lounge - "Roaring Thunder Saloon" + Live Entertainment on Weekends Restaurant - Chuckwagon Restaurant Free Pool Sunday and Wednesday
5032 - 50 St.
Box 400
Vilna, Alberta

Vilna Liquor Store

Main Street
Vilna, Alberta

Vilna Municipal Library

Type of Library: Public
5431 - 50th Street
Box 119
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Phone: 780-636-2077

Vilna Our Lady's Health Centre

Clinics by Dr. Stephan Raubenheimer, Dr. Anton Raubenheimer. Lab service, Community and Public.

48th Street.
Vilna, Alberta
Phone: 780-636-3533

Vilna Pharmacy

Main Street
Vilna, Alberta

Vilna School

Vilna Seniors Lodge