Agri-Plex Arena and Curling Rink
Natural ice curling arena for Vilna. Available for private rental. Contact the Ag Society at 780-636-3960 for more information.
Alberta Treasury Branch (Vilna)
Bonnie Lake Campground
For reservations call (Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm) 780-636-3620
or email:
PO Box 10
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Canada Post (Vilna)
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Community Futures St. Paul - Smoky Lake
Cultural Centre
P.O. Box 440
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
CYR'S Gifts From off the wall
Vilna, Alberta
Direct Energy Regulated Services
Historic Pool Hall & Barbershop
Historic Vilna Pool Hall
P.O. Box 600
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Iron Horse Trail
JMP Plumbing& Heating Ltd
Box 84
Lamont, Alberta T0B 2R0
Just Energy
Just Energy provides electricity/natural gas to businesses and residents alike. Go to their website at
Liberty Trailers Sales
We sell work trailers: utility, motorcycle, carhauler, dump, fuel, tilt deck, enclosed cargo, gooseneck, equipment & heavy haul trailers. Hwy 28 & 859
Box 433
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Link Energy
P.O. Box 98
St. Paul, AB T0A 3A0
Mirabella Feed & Seed
Open Tues-Fri 9-4
New Hope Community Church
Northern Express Bus Lines
Pelech Trucking
Porky's Sidestreet Cafe
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
RBR Trucking & Mechanical
Renco Auto Wreckers
Vilna, Alberta
Scrap Yard - Vinette Salvage
Scrap Yard - Metals
PO Box 72
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Senior’s Recreation Society
Vilna, Alberta
Service Alberta - Utilities Consumer Advocate
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3W7
Smoky Lake County
Scenic Recreation & Enjoyment
Box 310
Smoky Lake, Alberta T0A 3C0
Smoky Lake Learning Council
St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Hamlin
Box 444
Vilna, Alberta T0A3L0
Trev-Ron Corral Cleaning
Verbisky Construction
Vilna & District Cultural Centre
Vilna Bottle Depot
Beverage containers refund.
HOURS: Wednesday to Friday: Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 780-636-2120
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Vilna Coin-Op Laundry
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
VILNA Family Grocery
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Vilna Golf Course
Box 568
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Vilna Hotel
Box 400
Vilna, Alberta
Vilna Liquor Store
Vilna, Alberta
Vilna Municipal Library
Box 119
Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0
Vilna Our Lady's Health Centre
Clinics by Dr. Stephan Raubenheimer, Dr. Anton Raubenheimer. Lab service, Community and Public.
Vilna, Alberta
Vilna Pharmacy
Vilna, Alberta